Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is Bono A Christian??? HELP!!!!

I am a member of the ONE organization. I click "send your congressman an email" every time ONE sends me a request to petition our government to do the right thing. What I am not sure about is whether or not Bono is a Christian or if he might possibly the anti-christ who will usher in world peace and world gov. I know those are strong words, but I also believe lots of conspiracy theories, like the Bible when it says that the anti-christ can even appear as an angel of light. I found this blog today:


He is very thorough. I still haven't read the Bill Hybels interview with Bono, so I can't add that insight into my opinion. I will get around to it eventually.

I posted this comment on the Blog:

5 Debby August 5, 2008
I want him to be a Christian, but it seems like he avoids and obfuscates the issue. Please - just say something remotely like, “I asked Jesus into my heart,” or “I have a personal relationship with Christ.” Even, “I am a Christian,” or “am a follower of Jesus” ” PLEASE BONO!! We want you to be a Christian so bad….help us out dude!

Can anybody out there find Bono confessing his faith in Jesus Christ? I am waiting to hear from you.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking to me. God bless you!