U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
August 13, 2008
The fingerprints printed on the attached fingerprint cards are not adequate for accurate identification purposes. The reason for return are set forth below:
CODE L0008 The quality of characteristics is too low to be used. (Determined by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System)
It is requested that the individual be reprinted and fully rolled and clearly recorded fingerprint cards be resubmitted to the FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
This is the second time my fingerprints have been rejected. We completed our Alabama Foster Care certification classes in March, had our home visits, filled out all of our paperwork, only to be roadblocked by the federal government. Again. (See my post)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
August 13, 2008
The fingerprints printed on the attached fingerprint cards are not adequate for accurate identification purposes. The reason for return are set forth below:
CODE L0008 The quality of characteristics is too low to be used. (Determined by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System)
It is requested that the individual be reprinted and fully rolled and clearly recorded fingerprint cards be resubmitted to the FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
This is the second time my fingerprints have been rejected. We completed our Alabama Foster Care certification classes in March, had our home visits, filled out all of our paperwork, only to be roadblocked by the federal government. Again. (See my post)
http://www.adoptioninformation.com/Foster_care states:
"Today in the United States, there are over 500,000 children in foster care. They are cared for in foster homes, group homes, or facilities offering specialized levels of care, depending on their needs, and depending on space available. There is a critical shortage of foster parents in the U.S., and foster children are often housed inappropriately because of it."
"Today in the United States, there are over 500,000 children in foster care. They are cared for in foster homes, group homes, or facilities offering specialized levels of care, depending on their needs, and depending on space available. There is a critical shortage of foster parents in the U.S., and foster children are often housed inappropriately because of it."
I thought the FBI could lift a print off of a dead, decaying corpse - but it can't read four independent sets of them (8 counting the two prints of each finger on each card X the four cards that they have received) on an official fingerprint card. I know, I know - they scan them in to their computer cataloging system, but still.......! I can't help feeling rejected and unappreciated in my efforts. Doesn't the FBI have a heart for the those of us who want to serve the "least of these"?? Maybe they found out that I am voting for Obama?? Maybe they knew I was planning to vote for Hilary if she got the nomination?? Maybe they are getting me back for that one time in the 11th grade my friend Renee and I tried to hide out in the lobby of the FBI Building to get warm?? Maybe they are reading this blog right now???!!!
Of course, I don't really blame the FBI. I could blame the guy who fingerprinted me incorrectly (both times). Actually, I don't think anyone is to blame. Often we try to outguess God's plan for us. Usually I try to do what seems like the "smart" thing without really asking God what he wants. I am certain that this will all work out to be a part of God's timing. So I will go, a third time, and have my prints redone. And I will wait and see how it all plays out. And then I will blog about it.
1 comment:
Lotion lotion lotion. I was told to use Huskers lotion for at least a week before my appointment. I didn't like the chemicals in it but I did slather on Burt's Bees and wear gloves to bed for a week before and lotion up about 1/2 hour before the printing. This is discussed a lot on adoption forums since we all have to be fingerprinted too. My first set were rejected (local) but I did get "the best printer" at the Dept of Homeland securtiy since I was deemed "hard to print" and my hands were really dry...the police said to wear gloves while cleaning and make Tom do the dishes for a couple weeks LOL :-). Lynda
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