Tuesday, October 21, 2008

THE BIG LIE About the Democratic Party.

The overwhelming reason why Christians say they vote for Republican candidates is that they are pro-life. It is the biggest decision rule cited by Evangelical Christians. Most feel that it is unconscionable to vote for a democrat or to be politically liberal. To vote Republican means overlooking a whole host of un-Christ-like policies and attitudes concerning economic, social, and foreign policy. Voting for a Democrat is tantamount to voting for baby-killers, in their minds. This attitude is just wrong.
First of all, despite platitudes about being pro-life, the Republican party has not, on a national or state level, made any significant progress toward either reducing the number of abortions in the United States or toward reversing Roe v. Wade. A growing majority of national leaders in the Republican party are actually pro-choice. http://www.gopchoice.org/
Conversely, Barack Obama has said that he is committed to reducing the number of abortions in the United Sates. In large part, this new direction for the Democrats comes from a growing number of voices inside the party itself that are pro-life. http://www.democratsforlife.org/
They include people like Tony Campollo , who now sits on the Democrat's abortion platform committee.
It is possible to be a pro-life voice and be a Democrat.

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