Former President Carter raises an interesting point. The irony is, the key elements of opposition to Obama completely overlook the abuses of the previous administration. Abortion: It is a cheap political strategy, especially in the South, to say that you are "pro-life". It doesn't obligate anyone to actually try to reduce or eliminate abortion, it just makes everyone feel a little better about their vote. You should ask yourself, "what I am doing personally to reduce or eliminate abortion?" If the answer is, "Nothing". Then you might call your own pro-life position in to question. Would you really let people die than give them access to health-care? Are you really pro-life at all? Instead, we overlook the abuses and excesses of corporate executives, and call it capitalism. Meanwhile, the current administration is left holding bag. Instead of "business as usual" Obama has recruited the top minds of our nation, in all arenas, and asked them to re-craft government. This isn't socialism. To make bureaucracy effective. To eliminate abuses of authority and hold government and industry accountable for its actions. If you remember, we actually had a budget surplus when Bill Clinton left office. If we have to throw out the baby and the bathwater to get back on track, then lets get on with it. Is there still deep-seated racism at work in our nation? I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. There is no doubt in my mind that there is hate-mongering, so why couldn't racism be at the root? You might not be racist, but take a closer look at where the misinformation and misguided slogans are coming from.
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