Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Why is this Night Different?

Wash your hands often.
Rise with the sun, go to bed when it sets.
Be kind. Be generous. Don’t store up treasure for yourself.
Welcome the foreigner and stranger because we’ve been in their shoes or could one day.
Refrain from eating the swine, the abomination, and the mouse.
Be kind, keep your hands and heart clean.
During a pandemic, we reset to a state of behavior that, had we not departed from, might have landed us somewhere completely different.
Remember God’s goodness.
Remember that we have to go through some things to get to the promised land.
Remember that he is right here with us and will never leave.
So why is this night different? It’s because we’ve stopped practicing kindness, generosity, mercy, and love at all times. Now, as neighbors and friends experience a taste of isolation, dust off your lamp and let your light so shine before everyone that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
So during Passover 2020 wash your feet (and hands) and look to the sky. A better day is dawning.

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